This best-selling standard, now in its fourth, completely revised English edition, is an excellent source of technological and economic information on the most important precursors and intermediates used in the chemical industry. Its translation into eight languages and the five German and four English editions are clear evidence of the popularity of this book. ' is where I look first to get a quick overview of the manufacturing process of a product...Weissermel/Arpe has been serving me for years as an indispensable ...
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This best-selling standard, now in its fourth, completely revised English edition, is an excellent source of technological and economic information on the most important precursors and intermediates used in the chemical industry. Its translation into eight languages and the five German and four English editions are clear evidence of the popularity of this book. ' is where I look first to get a quick overview of the manufacturing process of a product...Weissermel/Arpe has been serving me for years as an indispensable reference work.' (Berichte der Bunsengesellschaft fur Physikalische Chemie) 'It would be unkind and misleading to call this book a poor man's Kirk Othmer, but it could almost be described as an is easy to read and one has to admire the authors' dedication and endeavor in getting so much into a single volume. They have provided a book that is interesting reading as well as being an excellent reference. It is a highly recommended book, which I hope the authors will find the energy to continue updating on a regular basis.' (Chemistry in Britain) ' should be ready to hand to every chemist or process engineer involved directly or indirectly with industrial organic chemistry. It should be in the hand of every higher-graduate student, especially if chemical technology is not part of the study, like in many college universities...' (Tenside-Surfactants-Detergents)
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