Stup�fiante d�couverte scientifique ou manipulation diabolique? Du Grand Nord aux grands fonds, un thriller men� � un train d'enfer. Quand un satellite de la NASA d�tecte une m�t�orite d'une exceptionnelle raret� enfouie sous les glaces du cercle polaire, cela tombe � pic pour l'agence spatiale, impatiente de faire oublier une s�rie d'op�rations rat�es. � la veille de l'�lection pr�sidentielle, alors que son avenir politique est en jeu, le pr�sident des �tats-Unis envoie dans l'Arctique ...
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Stup�fiante d�couverte scientifique ou manipulation diabolique? Du Grand Nord aux grands fonds, un thriller men� � un train d'enfer. Quand un satellite de la NASA d�tecte une m�t�orite d'une exceptionnelle raret� enfouie sous les glaces du cercle polaire, cela tombe � pic pour l'agence spatiale, impatiente de faire oublier une s�rie d'op�rations rat�es. � la veille de l'�lection pr�sidentielle, alors que son avenir politique est en jeu, le pr�sident des �tats-Unis envoie dans l'Arctique Rachel Sexton, analyste des services secrets, v�rifier l'authenticit� de cette d�couverte. Elle y rejoint une �quipe d'experts, dont le charismatique oc�anologue Michael Tolland. Ce que Rachel va d�couvrir est presque inconcevable: une mystification audacieuse qui risque de d�clencher un scandale mondial.
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For Brown Fan's: you 've probably already read this but if not rush out!
Jan 9, 2008
Brown Doesnt Disappoint
I read this well after reading "The DaVinci Code" and I found this to be a quick, exciting read.
Mr Brown has certainly studied cold climate and its effects as well!
Simply put, you wont be disappointed if you decide to read Mr Browns novels, - even though they are not about the same topic. He is a great story teller that keeps you on the edge of your seat. Perhaps Hollywood would find a way to produce this novel into a movie too.
Apr 28, 2007
It's ok.
This book is not as good as Dan Brown's other books, but it's an okay book to read. It starts out slow, so you have to chug through the first chapter or so, but once you get past that then it gets much better. Just make sure that you give it time.
Apr 10, 2007
Full of Twists and Turns
I thought I knew where it was going and I was suprised. Very well written. I had a good time reading it. My daughter picked it up after me. It is on the Summer reading list and I recommend it.
Apr 1, 2007
Deception point
From srart to finish you are swept up on an increddible adventure,physically and mentally.A book filled with possibilities and situations written in a way that makes it hard to put down. A cross between sci-fi and suspence.An excellant read.Dan Brown at his best. Syntex