Set in Cornwall, a novel which explores the relationship between a fallen woman, her illegitimate daughter and the recovery of a hidden secret. From the author of THE WOMAN IN WHITE.
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Set in Cornwall, a novel which explores the relationship between a fallen woman, her illegitimate daughter and the recovery of a hidden secret. From the author of THE WOMAN IN WHITE.
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I'm a Wilkie Collins fan, so just about any book by Wilkie Collins will be read by me. All his stories though are excellent reads and "Dead Secret" is no different. I recommend it.
May 28, 2007
Wilkie Collins is an excellent writer. All of his books I would recommend. They are all the type of books that you can't put down once you start reading them. It only took me a short time to read The dead secret. I also recommend the Woman in White and The Moonstone. and No name all by Wilkie Collins.