War of the Nocturne's Widow War of the Nocturne's Widow is the third installment of the Chopin Trilogy, after " The Willow's Bend" and "Chasing the Winter's Wind." The novel opens with a feud developing between the CIA and MI6 over a missing agent. Jack Trellis, the Deputy Director of Operations for the CIA is searching for his agent Diane "The Huntress" Sterling. He fears that Diane has obtained information which could bring his most highly guarded secret of the Cold War to light - the operation "Osiris" ...
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War of the Nocturne's Widow War of the Nocturne's Widow is the third installment of the Chopin Trilogy, after " The Willow's Bend" and "Chasing the Winter's Wind." The novel opens with a feud developing between the CIA and MI6 over a missing agent. Jack Trellis, the Deputy Director of Operations for the CIA is searching for his agent Diane "The Huntress" Sterling. He fears that Diane has obtained information which could bring his most highly guarded secret of the Cold War to light - the operation "Osiris" run by the East German double agent "Erasmus." Trellis suspects that Britain's Secret Service (MI6) is harboring Diane, and threatens an all-out war between the two intelligence services. This book explores the post WWII creation of one of history's most repressive regimes - The Stasi State Security Ministry of East Germany. This intriguing tale entwines with the rise and fall of the Berlin Wall, the exfiltration of "Osprey" (an even more secretive and highly placed spy within the Warsaw Pact leadership) and the events leading up to the collapse of the Soviet Union itself.
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