The Proper Name Version of the King James Bible revives the language of the Authorized King James Version, in which the Word of God has been preserved. The text is made more readable by updating thousands of words into easier-to-read modern English without alterations in sentence structure that might otherwise affect the meaning of the Scriptures. Importantly, it restores the power of the proper name of God, which was in the biblical texts before it was traditionally replaced by a title. His name is written as Yahweh and as ...
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The Proper Name Version of the King James Bible revives the language of the Authorized King James Version, in which the Word of God has been preserved. The text is made more readable by updating thousands of words into easier-to-read modern English without alterations in sentence structure that might otherwise affect the meaning of the Scriptures. Importantly, it restores the power of the proper name of God, which was in the biblical texts before it was traditionally replaced by a title. His name is written as Yahweh and as its short form, Yah. The name of the Messiah is written as Yahshua, thus retaining the meaning of His name as Yah is Salvation. This edition of the Bible provides study aids in the form of marginal cross-references and a concordance index. It is intended for discerning Christians that want an accurate easy-to-read high quality Bible with essential cross-references that encourages unbiased study and promotes an intimate knowledge of Yahweh through Yahshua.
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