The future of the Little Bakery, in the family for 100 years, is uncertain. This is a story of how a young woman follows her passion to try and make something great. It tells of her creativity, hard work and determination, overcoming obstacles along the way. The book is suitable for anybody learning German or younger native speakers. The author, Andrew Knowlman, has motor neurone disease and wrote the story using a computer operated by his eyes. Die Zukunft der kleinen Backstube, 100 Jahre im Familienbesitz, ist unsicher. ...
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The future of the Little Bakery, in the family for 100 years, is uncertain. This is a story of how a young woman follows her passion to try and make something great. It tells of her creativity, hard work and determination, overcoming obstacles along the way. The book is suitable for anybody learning German or younger native speakers. The author, Andrew Knowlman, has motor neurone disease and wrote the story using a computer operated by his eyes. Die Zukunft der kleinen Backstube, 100 Jahre im Familienbesitz, ist unsicher. Diese Geschichte erzahlt wie eine junge Frau ihrer Leidenschaft treu ist, und versucht etwas grossartiges aufzubauen. Sie uberwaltigt Hindernisse durch Kreativitat, harte Arbeit und Entschlossenheit. Der englische Schriftsteller, Andrew Knowlman, lebt mit Motorneuronenkrankheit und hat die Geschichte durch Augeneingabe mit einem besonderen Computer geschrieben.
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