The New Life Catechism for Children / Le catéchisme de la vie nouvelle pour les enfants: 100 questions et réponses pour nous apprendre à vivre paisiblement et relationnellement dans le monde
The New Life Catechism is about spiritual formation and development and so designed to teach children about the great theological truths and ethical practices of the Christian faith. It is written with great theological clarity and precision, and rhetorical eloquence. This gospel-focused guide directs our attention to the relationship between the Christian life, society, and doing good works, and also focuses on how Christian kids should live in society and with others relationally and peacefully. It teaches us about the ...
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The New Life Catechism is about spiritual formation and development and so designed to teach children about the great theological truths and ethical practices of the Christian faith. It is written with great theological clarity and precision, and rhetorical eloquence. This gospel-focused guide directs our attention to the relationship between the Christian life, society, and doing good works, and also focuses on how Christian kids should live in society and with others relationally and peacefully. It teaches us about the importance of difference and unity, and the beauty of diversity and multiplicity expressed through God's creation and the various cultures, races, and ethnic groups God made for his glory. This study can be used in Sunday school classes and small groups on spiritual formation for children. The target audience includes two different age groups: 3-7, and 8-11, respectively. Christian Parents and educators will read the catechism to the first age group; children belonging to the second age group can read it by themselves. Nonetheless, individuals of any age group will find this summarized statement of the Christian faith informative, insightful, empowering, and doctrinally sound. The overall objective of this book is to lead individuals, especially Christian children, to love God more passionately and affectionately, as well as to grow more in grace and in our knowledge and understanding of the Triune God and to achieve gradual maturity in our relationships and interactions with our neighbor. We also hope that The New Life Catechism will help the church to construct this new radical life we are called to live in this world and to combat and thus solve the crisis of biblical illiteracy among Christian children and adults in our culture, especially in Christian circles. The book is also available in English, French, and Creole. Le Cat�chisme de la nouvelle vie concerne la formation et le d�veloppement spirituel et est con�u pour enseigner aux enfants les grandes v�rit�s th�ologiques et les pratiques �thiques de la foi chr�tienne. Il est �crit avec une grande clart� et pr�cision th�ologique et une �loquence rh�torique. Ce guide ax� sur l'�vangile attire notre attention sur la relation entre la vie chr�tienne, la soci�t� et les bonnes oeuvres, et sur la mani�re dont les enfants chr�tiens devraient vivre dans la soci�t� et avec les autres, dans leurs relations et dans la paix. Il nous enseigne l'importance de la diff�rence et de l'unit�, ainsi que la beaut� de la diversit� et de la multiplicit� exprim�es par la cr�ation de Dieu et les diverses cultures, races et groupes ethniques que Dieu a cr��s pour sa gloire. Cet �tude peut �tre utilis�e dans les classes dominicales et les petits groupes sur la formation spirituelle des enfants. Le public cibl� comprend deux groupes d'�ges diff�rents: 3 � 7 et 8 � 11 ans, respectivement. Les parents chr�tiens et les �ducateurs liront le cat�chisme au premier groupe d'�ge; les enfants appartenant au deuxi�me groupe d'�ge peuvent le lire par eux-m�mes.N�anmoins, les personnes de tous les groupes d'�ge trouveront cette d�claration r�sum�e de la foi chr�tienne informative, perspicace, stimulante et doctrinalement valable. L'objectif g�n�ral de ce livre est d'amener les individus, en particulier les enfants chr�tiens, � aimer Dieu avec plus de passion et d'affection, � grandir davantage dans la gr�ce et dans notre connaissance et notre compr�hension du Dieu trinitaire et � atteindre une maturit� progressive dans nos relations et interactions avec nos voisins. Nous esp�rons �galement que le Cat�chisme de la nouvelle vie aidera l'�glise � construire cette nouv
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