For the millions of couples affected by extramarital affairs and for those therapists who treat them, this is the only book to offer concrete, reliable strategies for surviving the crisis and earning trust, intimacy, and forgiveness. The most recommended relationship book on the topic of infidelity, now in its third edition with new material. There is nothing quite like the shock and devastation experienced when a partner has been unfaithful. Hurt partners often report not just a betrayal, but a shattering of their ...
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For the millions of couples affected by extramarital affairs and for those therapists who treat them, this is the only book to offer concrete, reliable strategies for surviving the crisis and earning trust, intimacy, and forgiveness. The most recommended relationship book on the topic of infidelity, now in its third edition with new material. There is nothing quite like the shock and devastation experienced when a partner has been unfaithful. Hurt partners often report not just a betrayal, but a shattering of their familiar and valued self: perhaps the greatest loss of all. For the relationship, infidelity is often a death blow. Now in its third edition, After the Affair is the first book to help readers survive this crisis. Written by a clinical psychologist who trains thousands of therapists each year and has maintained a private practice for 43 years, After the Affair guides both hurt and unfaithful partners through the three stages of healing: normalizing feelings, deciding whether to recommit, and revitalizing the relationship. It provides concrete, practical advice to help partners make sense of the affair, choose a direction for their relationship, and cultivate trust, forgiveness, and a more conscious, intimate partnership.
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