Are You Having Difficulties In Your Life? Did something bad just happen? Big quarrel with your spouse? Just can't go to sleep every night? Want a change in your life? The REAL problem is not what is happening on the outside but it is on the inside. You do not have control over your mind even though you think otherwise. 99.99% of our decisions are made based on emotions without even realizing it. Discover Zen? In the mainstream spiritual community, "Zen" has become somewhat of a buzzword. ...
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Are You Having Difficulties In Your Life? Did something bad just happen? Big quarrel with your spouse? Just can't go to sleep every night? Want a change in your life? The REAL problem is not what is happening on the outside but it is on the inside. You do not have control over your mind even though you think otherwise. 99.99% of our decisions are made based on emotions without even realizing it. Discover Zen? In the mainstream spiritual community, "Zen" has become somewhat of a buzzword. Many new age millennials use Zen to describe a state of being. While that holds true, many fail to realize that Zen is actually a structured form of meditational practice that is meant to bring value to a person's life. As you will learn about in this book, Zen is a Japanese school of training which teaches that a certain state of being is accomplished through meditation and practice. Because it has very real roots and a very real structure, it is a good reason for you to follow the ancient Japanese teachings to achieve real Zen in your life.
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