RED SKY AT MORING, SAILORS TAKE WARNING. RED SKY AT NIGHT, SAILOR'S DELIGHT. Curly and her babies are caught in a terrible storm. It quickly develops into a tornado, and Curly must use all of her skill as a mother cow to save her twin calves, Ember and Spitfire. Join Curly on another adventure as she tries to survive a flood and a tornado. Meet more of her friends including her best animal friend, Duke, along with Isaac and his grandpa.
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RED SKY AT MORING, SAILORS TAKE WARNING. RED SKY AT NIGHT, SAILOR'S DELIGHT. Curly and her babies are caught in a terrible storm. It quickly develops into a tornado, and Curly must use all of her skill as a mother cow to save her twin calves, Ember and Spitfire. Join Curly on another adventure as she tries to survive a flood and a tornado. Meet more of her friends including her best animal friend, Duke, along with Isaac and his grandpa.
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