A Must Read!
Nettie Parker?s Backyard is a gentle yet action packed and war ? torn story. It?s the story of Nettie?s life which is full of prejudice and bullying. Early in her life she starts seeing and hearing signs. What do these signs mean? Are they magical? Only Nettie can find that out.
When Nettie is nineteen-years-old, she travels to London, England to study to be a nurse. Upon her arrival, the nursing administrator is very nice to her but soon she is met with more prejudice from others. Is this because of her physical challenge or because of her race?
Nettie meets two young boys one day when their ball flies across the fence and into the Charring Cross Hospital grounds. The boys don?t think they?ll ever get their ball back and are very hestitant to talk ask for it. Nettie?s caring and compassionate nature can?t understand this but she soon will. She talks with the boys for awhile and is surprised to learn that the boys were sent to London by their parents to escape the horrors of World War II. Kind, compassionate Nettie doesn?t think there?s enough hate or fear in the world to make parents and children separate! She soon finds out differently!
It was very hard for this reviewer to put this book down. Throughout this well written account of Nettie Parker, not only do you learn about her ancestry and her adventures in London but you learn a secret language too!
I highly recommend Nettie Parker?s backyard. Although the historical fiction is written for children, adults will thoroughly enjoy this magical book too!
To learn more about C.V. Smith and Nettie Parker?s Backyard visit her author?s website at: http://www.nettieparkersbackyard.com.