***Includes Practice Test Questions*** Get the test prep help you need to be successful on the Praxis II Mathematics: Content Knowledge test. The Praxis II Mathematics: Content Knowledge (0061) Exam is extremely challenging and thorough test preparation is essential for success. Praxis II Mathematics: Content Knowledge Exam Secrets Study Guide is the ideal prep solution for anyone who wants to pass the Praxis II Mathematics: Content Knowledge Exam. Not only does it provide a comprehensive guide to the Praxis II Mathematics: ...
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***Includes Practice Test Questions*** Get the test prep help you need to be successful on the Praxis II Mathematics: Content Knowledge test. The Praxis II Mathematics: Content Knowledge (0061) Exam is extremely challenging and thorough test preparation is essential for success. Praxis II Mathematics: Content Knowledge Exam Secrets Study Guide is the ideal prep solution for anyone who wants to pass the Praxis II Mathematics: Content Knowledge Exam. Not only does it provide a comprehensive guide to the Praxis II Mathematics: Content Knowledge Exam as a whole, it also provides practice test questions as well as detailed explanations of each answer. Praxis II Mathematics: Content Knowledge (0061) Exam Secrets Study Guide includes: A thorough and detailed overview of mathematics content knowledge skills for teachers, A review of algebra and number theory, A guide to measurement, An in-depth look at geometry, A review of trigonometry, A guide to functions, An in-depth look at calculus, An analysis of data analysis and statistics, An in-depth guide to probability, A review of matrix algebra and discrete mathematics, Comprehensive practice questions with detailed answer explanations. It's filled with the critical information you'll need in order to do well on the test: the concepts, procedures, principles, and vocabulary that the Educational Testing Service (ETS) expects you to have mastered before sitting for the exam. The Algebra and Number Theory section covers: Signed numbers+B81, Percent, Ratios, Polynomials, Quadratic formula. The Measurement section covers: Metric measurements, Precision and accuracy. The Geometry section covers: Perpendicular and angle bisectors, Quadrilaterals, parallelogra
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