Great junk food read
There are health food books and junk food books. I like a good balance of both.
Jennifer Crusie writes high quality junk food books. These are home made chocolate chip cookie kinds of books. They are light hearted and quick reads that are a great escape and leave you feeling good at the end. You may not be any smarter after reading this book but you will have a smile on your face.
Jennifer has great characters in real situations. You are safe from words like 'throbbing' and 'yearning'; she does NOT use too many adjectives or overuse drama as many 'romance' writers are wont to do. I usually find myself laughing out loud at least once while reading her books- she has a fairly dry, ironic sense of humor that tickles my funny bone unexpectedly sometimes.
The only thing that distracts me from her books is when she has her characters move in a way that would have been impossible if they were where she last said they were. I have to stop and re-read and figure out what she is saying. This happens once, maybe twice per book and is my only criticism.
This particular JC book is based in the present with some current events included. She does her research and all her facts seem to be straight. While this may be a junk food book, it is not just written for sex or romance, it is entertaining in and of itself. The story has some depth and texture.
Overall, a homemade chocolate chip cookie fresh from the oven. Although the outcome is fairly obvious, we all know how chocolate cookies taste, you will want to find out for yourself, and see what happens to those characters in the end.
If this chocolate cookie were nourishing as well as tasty it would get more stars!