My Personal Favorite of all of Dan Millman's Work
I can't say enough good things about this title, either on book or tape. I have been forcing all of my family friends to listen to it with me little by little because I know that it contains material that can help them in areas where they lack enlightenment. This is an excellent work that helped me to embrace recovery from a depressed, addicted mindset. Dan's incredibly down to earth guidance is presented in a way that's easy to understand, presenting key principles so simply that it seems he is reminding the reader of things already known from life experience, while integrating his collected wisdom and providing a new and fresh perspective. His stories, analogies, and quotes (from other great leaders and thinkers throughout time) are presented clearly, enabling the focus needed for thorough examination of areas where each of us can grow & improve the quality of our life. He also gives several different exercises that are easily performed and fully illustrate his basic teachings. This work, more than any other self-improvement material I have utilized in treatment ,or been assigned to complete by my therapists has empowered me and mentally strengthened me so much I no longer surrender to my emotions and lose control of my behavior. I am also finding motivation from within myself to make choices that are right not only for my own benefit, but because I have realized the influence of my example on all those that I know.
Since reading this, I have volunteered in my community, I returned to a habit of regular prayer and meditation. I regularly exercise every day, and my my depression has decreased by more than half on its initial clinically determined level. I also quit smoking and being late to appointments, and began writing thank you notes for doctors and teachers and family members. My relationship with my husband and parents has never been more loving and stable. But most of all, I finally feel after years of being my worst enemy that I am actually comfortable with myself including my thoughts and feelings and my behavior. As well as making all of these improvements, I also have a much greater sense of self-worth and I am proud of myself and see a significant change in my self esteem.