I've read a lot of books concerning past life (weiss, goldberg +++), but this stands out as a one-of-a-kind. The author is critical, and I love dr Ian Stevenson's way of research. I really think his work deserves credit - because he shows that reincarnation is a subject that concernes a lot of people. It's interesting to see how the Western world is more sceptical to this phenomenon in comparison to parts of the world where rebirth is an accepted belief. Subjects like reincarnation needs more attention in the western world as well, in that way it wouldn't be so mysterious and frightening for the common belief. That's what I think anyway. Western science has too often a core in Western and Christian belief, and therefore subjects that doesn't "fit in" here, gets less attention. That leads to less knowledge about it. So reading about Ian Stevenson's work really fascinated me, and would make even the worst critic of reincarnation think twice about his/her opinion. I hope.
The author wrote about the case stories and reincarnation without the mystery, and made it sound natural and nice. I didn't know myself whether to believe in rebirth or not, but this book made it seem like a natural part of life. I'm more of a believer now than before I read it. I've ordered dr. Stevensons books from, and I can't wait to get them and read about his research in his own words.
A great book, which I really, really recommend for people interested in this phenomenon. You haven't read enough about reincarnation if you haven't read this. :)