A "farming adventure," Who Will Eat All These Tomatoes" tells the tale of Jack and Maria, two young farmers on Nantucket Island, as they take on raising the tomato crop at their family's farm-- wondering all the time Who Will Eat All These Tomatoes? From testing the soil and planting and caring for their seedlings, to harvesting and selling tomatoes at the farmers' market and making tomato sauce for their entire school, Jack and Maria learn about growing the food for their community in their sensitive and unique island ...
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A "farming adventure," Who Will Eat All These Tomatoes" tells the tale of Jack and Maria, two young farmers on Nantucket Island, as they take on raising the tomato crop at their family's farm-- wondering all the time Who Will Eat All These Tomatoes? From testing the soil and planting and caring for their seedlings, to harvesting and selling tomatoes at the farmers' market and making tomato sauce for their entire school, Jack and Maria learn about growing the food for their community in their sensitive and unique island ecosystem. They even learn how to save their crop in a drought! Written for children, ages 4-8, this engaging book is filled with charming, colorful illustrations of island farming life, and even a traditional recipe for tomato sauce! Fun and informative, "Who Will Eat All these Tomatoes" teaches children about growing, harvesting, cooking, and preserving food, as well as nutrition and stewardship of the environment in a lighthearted and engaging fashion, while giving glimpses of what rural life on a small island is like.
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