Are You Female & Confused By Your Mate's Behavior?
If you are female and your relationship with your partner started extremely pleasantly but began to change dramatically following some significant life event, like the birth of a child, etc., you need to read this book. If the change in your partner's behavior began six month or more ago you MUST read thisbook . If that change occurred a year or more ago you ABSOLUTELY MUST read this book. The writer claims, correctly I think, to have operated for over 20 years, the first remediation program for abusive men. If your circumstances are as described above you are in an abusive relationship. That may be difficult for you to believe but reading this book will help you understand that you are and why you are. The writer has had over 2000 clients. Fewer than 200 of those clients have ever changed ANY behavior and most quit before completing the program because they didn't want to change. He gives very helpful suggestions about leaving, lists names and addresses of organizations where you can get help, etc. I've read a dozen books about abuse. This is one of the best. What you read may be painful, but not as painful as what you are enduring now. Read it now before it's too late. Good luck!