The World of Weralt is an entertaining fantasy story of a young boy named Timothy and his adventures in the magical world of Weralt. One ill-fated night, mysterious creatures called Deorcs attack Timothy's home town in the kingdom of Albian. Timothy makes a pledge to his people that he will venture to the Weralt Mountains to find where these horrendous creatures came from. Thus Timothy bravely sets out to find the dwelling of the Deorcs. Timothy's adventures in the magical land of Weralt will keep you turning pages as fast ...
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The World of Weralt is an entertaining fantasy story of a young boy named Timothy and his adventures in the magical world of Weralt. One ill-fated night, mysterious creatures called Deorcs attack Timothy's home town in the kingdom of Albian. Timothy makes a pledge to his people that he will venture to the Weralt Mountains to find where these horrendous creatures came from. Thus Timothy bravely sets out to find the dwelling of the Deorcs. Timothy's adventures in the magical land of Weralt will keep you turning pages as fast as you can! He and other heroes must escape evil Deorcs, deadly dragons, shadowy winged beasts, ghostly apparitions, giant water serpents... and even a despicable traitor!
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