Maida's Little House is a heartwarming children's book written by Inez Haynes Irwin. It tells the story of Maida Westabrook, a young girl who dreams of having a little house of her own. Maida's father is a wealthy businessman, and her family lives in a grand mansion in the city. However, Maida longs for a simpler life, where she can have her own space and take care of herself.One day, Maida's father surprises her by buying a small cottage in the countryside. Maida is overjoyed and immediately sets to work making the house ...
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Maida's Little House is a heartwarming children's book written by Inez Haynes Irwin. It tells the story of Maida Westabrook, a young girl who dreams of having a little house of her own. Maida's father is a wealthy businessman, and her family lives in a grand mansion in the city. However, Maida longs for a simpler life, where she can have her own space and take care of herself.One day, Maida's father surprises her by buying a small cottage in the countryside. Maida is overjoyed and immediately sets to work making the house her own. She decorates it with her own furniture, plants a garden, and even gets a pet dog. Maida's little house becomes her sanctuary, where she can escape from the pressures of her privileged life and experience the joys of independence.As Maida settles into her new home, she learns valuable lessons about responsibility, hard work, and the importance of following her dreams. She also discovers the beauty and simplicity of life in the countryside, as she explores the nearby woods and fields and makes friends with the local farmers and their families.Maida's Little House is a charming tale that will appeal to children and adults alike. With its timeless themes of self-discovery, independence, and the joys of nature, it is a book that will inspire and delight readers of all ages.1921. This is the second book in The Maida Westabrook series, which features Maida Westabrook, the orphaned daughter of Jerome Buffalo Westabrook, Wall Street tycoon. Although Maida has had everything that money can buy and the devotion of her father, she suffers from poor health. After an operation, on a chance visit to Charlestown they visit a little neighborhood shop, and Maida is enchanted and wishes that she, too, could keep a shop just like this one. Buffalo Westabrook, delighted to see Maida take an interest in something, buys the shop and arranges for Maida to live above the shop with elderly Irish housekeeper, Granny Flynn. The only two conditions are that she must make the shop pay, and she must not reveal her true identity. There is a fairy tale charm about Maida, the poor little rich girl, who is restored to health and who finds happiness living in an ordinary neighborhood among ordinary children, tending her little shop. In Maida's Little House all of her friends spend a happy summer in her perfect little house that has everything a child could wish for. See other titles by this author available from Kessinger Publishing.This scarce antiquarian book is a facsimile reprint of the old original and may contain some imperfections such as library marks and notations. Because we believe this work is culturally important, we have made it available as part of our commitment for protecting, preserving, and promoting the world's literature in affordable, high quality, modern editions, that are true to their original work.
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