Based on the cult classic animated series, ROBOTECH: THE MACROSS SAGA VOL. 4 is a sci-fi extravaganza of fast-paced action, high-tech battles, and burgeoning romance. Years ago when the SDF-1 crashed on Earth, the world knew that the alien spacecraft was the harbinger of an extraterrestrial invasion. Using the technology from the galactic warship, humans quickly began to develop biomechanical weapons to prepare for the upcoming onslaught. Now as the war reaches a fateful critical stage and another hero falls in battle, the ...
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Based on the cult classic animated series, ROBOTECH: THE MACROSS SAGA VOL. 4 is a sci-fi extravaganza of fast-paced action, high-tech battles, and burgeoning romance. Years ago when the SDF-1 crashed on Earth, the world knew that the alien spacecraft was the harbinger of an extraterrestrial invasion. Using the technology from the galactic warship, humans quickly began to develop biomechanical weapons to prepare for the upcoming onslaught. Now as the war reaches a fateful critical stage and another hero falls in battle, the alien Zentraedi enact an aggressive campaign to destroy the Earth's only hope of victory, the lost SDF-1 spaceship.
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