This is a story based on actual events experienced by Mary Ingles and her family and friends. Surviving a bloody massacre she and her two small boys are kidnapped along with her sister-in-law and one man by Shawnee indians and taken approx 500+ miles through virtually uncharted wilderness. Three days out on this harrowing journey Mary gives birth to a daughter and yet has no choice but to carry on. Throughout this ordeal, she decides to maintain dignity no matter what and this she does. .
The author has researched his story well and treated these historical characters with the honesty and respect they deserve, staying as true to known events as possible. Another reviewer complained that the story had too much suffering on Marys' incredible journey, and thought the author should have given some "relief ". WHAT?? To do so would have trivialised this womans strength and courage, not to mention being untrue. If you are going to tell a story "based on fact", then you don't get the luxury of making it up as you go along. This author has my respect, and Mary Ingles even more so. I'm in awe!