""The Rock of Chickamauga"" is a historical novel written by Joseph A. Altsheler. The story is set during the American Civil War and follows the life of Harry Kenton, a young soldier fighting for the Confederacy. The novel begins with the Battle of Shiloh and continues through the Battle of Chickamauga, where Harry and his comrades fight against Union soldiers led by General William Rosecrans. Throughout the story, Harry faces many challenges, including the loss of friends and family members, and struggles with his own ...
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""The Rock of Chickamauga"" is a historical novel written by Joseph A. Altsheler. The story is set during the American Civil War and follows the life of Harry Kenton, a young soldier fighting for the Confederacy. The novel begins with the Battle of Shiloh and continues through the Battle of Chickamauga, where Harry and his comrades fight against Union soldiers led by General William Rosecrans. Throughout the story, Harry faces many challenges, including the loss of friends and family members, and struggles with his own beliefs about the war. He also falls in love with a young woman named Miss St. Clair, who supports the Union cause. The novel explores themes of loyalty, sacrifice, and the devastating effects of war on individuals and society.Altsheler's writing style is vivid and descriptive, bringing to life the battles and landscapes of the Civil War era. ""The Rock of Chickamauga"" is a gripping tale of courage and determination that will appeal to fans of historical fiction and military history.Like all boys of the great valley, Dick always felt the romance and spell of the Mississippi. It was to him and them one of the greatest facts in the natural world, the grave of De Soto, the stream on which their fathers and forefathers had explored and traded and fought since their beginnings. Now it was fulfilling its titanic role again, and the Union fleets upon its bosom were splitting the Confederacy asunder.This scarce antiquarian book is a facsimile reprint of the old original and may contain some imperfections such as library marks and notations. Because we believe this work is culturally important, we have made it available as part of our commitment for protecting, preserving, and promoting the world's literature in affordable, high quality, modern editions, that are true to their original work.
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