A kingdom decision requires a kingdom mindset! You'll need to gravitate to kingdom-oriented people; those who are talking your talk and walking in the same direction, desiring more. As iron sharpens iron, so one man sharpens another. To stay on track, your kingdom connections will be key in helping as you transition out of normal into excellence. Really, it's like anything else you want to do or be; you must work at it with determination to excel in evangelism. Keep your goal before you, and in your spirit remind yourself: ...
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A kingdom decision requires a kingdom mindset! You'll need to gravitate to kingdom-oriented people; those who are talking your talk and walking in the same direction, desiring more. As iron sharpens iron, so one man sharpens another. To stay on track, your kingdom connections will be key in helping as you transition out of normal into excellence. Really, it's like anything else you want to do or be; you must work at it with determination to excel in evangelism. Keep your goal before you, and in your spirit remind yourself: I must excel; I must do better; and I must represent the Kingdom well. In what areas of your life do you need to improve, both naturally and spiritually? Focus on those areas as you continue to strive for excellence. Ask the Holy Spirit to reveal what needs to be buffed and polished. The Bible, in Habakkuk 2:2, tells us to write down the vision, and make it plain. Start making a list of what you need to do. Seek the Lord in prayer with that list. Follow the instructions He give you.It is imperative that we shift our desire to excel in a greater way and walk in a more excellent manner. Oftentimes I find that our standard of measure is against others. Start using Christ as your standard, not man. We don't ever want to measure ourselves against one another. If we use that plumb line that He has given us, we'll continue to reach and strive for excellence in the Spirit of Christ. It is a mindset of breaking off and stepping away from things while embracing the "greater" that God has for you. My prayer is that you increase in your desire to excel and to go beyond where you are. This is the season of pushing, to have an ear to hear what He is saying to you. Step out of mediocrity. As you continue to move forward, you will find yourself transforming, like the caterpillar that metamorphosis's into a butterfly. Operate with excellence in the time that you spend with God and see the results of your prayers being answered, and your evangelism producing fruit! If you haven't given Him your best, repent, telling God that you will intentionally choose to walk with a spirit of excellence. Tell Him that you want to excel in what the Lord has called you to do, and then ask the Holy Spirit for His help. Be willing to go beyond and to put forth the effort that it takes to get there. As His ambassador, display the spirit of excellence that God deserves. Here's a side note that I found interesting for you to ponder: Have you ever noticed that "excel" is the root of the word excellence? Either way, you're going above and beyond!
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