The year 2014, in a Gothic world called Deavouroux City, demons from the underworld run rampant. Vampire societies advance amongst the human populous while evil sorcerers awaken their powers for murder and destruction. Only the Demon Hunter Association (DHA) can combat the wickedness that plagues this dark metropolis. Furthermore, in the thick of the DHA, there is one called The Soul Hunter, who is the most skilled and strongest of them all. Danryu Pevriantes
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The year 2014, in a Gothic world called Deavouroux City, demons from the underworld run rampant. Vampire societies advance amongst the human populous while evil sorcerers awaken their powers for murder and destruction. Only the Demon Hunter Association (DHA) can combat the wickedness that plagues this dark metropolis. Furthermore, in the thick of the DHA, there is one called The Soul Hunter, who is the most skilled and strongest of them all. Danryu Pevriantes
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