Crisis in Command, written in the aftermath of the Vietnam War, details the mismanagement of the US Army's leadership. Former soldiers Richard A. Gabriel and Paul L. Savage provide documented evidence that the military forces of the United States are ill-prepared for war, having been weakened by officer-corps members who have abandoned honor and integrity to further their individual careers.
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Crisis in Command, written in the aftermath of the Vietnam War, details the mismanagement of the US Army's leadership. Former soldiers Richard A. Gabriel and Paul L. Savage provide documented evidence that the military forces of the United States are ill-prepared for war, having been weakened by officer-corps members who have abandoned honor and integrity to further their individual careers.
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This is submitted from my perspective of two combat tours and 24 years active duty service. Assignment as a District Advisor north of Hue, and combat company commander in the First Cav. This is a must read to understand the ethos of Vietnam, with the leadership afterward having been shaped by it. The policies originating at Presidential level made body-count the only measure of success, which inescapably led to Mai Lai with the destruction of good order and discipline.