"American Dreams" follows the children of the German-immigrant Crown family first introduced in "Homeland": actress Fritzi Crown, as she travels from the tawdry haunts of Broadway to California and its silent pictures, meeting the giants and pioneers of the industry; Carl Crown, the wanderer seeking thrills in the world of auto racing; and Paul Crown, idealistic moviemaker and famous newsreel cameraman, who finds his destiny filming the devastation and horror of WWI. Abridged.
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"American Dreams" follows the children of the German-immigrant Crown family first introduced in "Homeland": actress Fritzi Crown, as she travels from the tawdry haunts of Broadway to California and its silent pictures, meeting the giants and pioneers of the industry; Carl Crown, the wanderer seeking thrills in the world of auto racing; and Paul Crown, idealistic moviemaker and famous newsreel cameraman, who finds his destiny filming the devastation and horror of WWI. Abridged.
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