Displaced in time, Captain James T. Kirk, along with Captain Jean-Luc Picard, takes some well-deserved time off. Arriving on Bajor to dive among the ruins of an ancient sunken city, the captains join a group of scientists. Isolated from "Deep Space Nine" and any hope of rescue, the entire group finds themselves the victims of a murderous stalker. Abridged. 2 CDs.
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Displaced in time, Captain James T. Kirk, along with Captain Jean-Luc Picard, takes some well-deserved time off. Arriving on Bajor to dive among the ruins of an ancient sunken city, the captains join a group of scientists. Isolated from "Deep Space Nine" and any hope of rescue, the entire group finds themselves the victims of a murderous stalker. Abridged. 2 CDs.
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