As a result of major shipping disasters on all coasts, the safety of vessel operations in U.S. ports and waterways and the effectiveness of waterway designs are under increased scrutiny. But are traditional waterway design practices that rely heavily on rules of thumb and conservatism providing adequate margins of safety while keeping the overall costs of waterway projects within the funding capabilities of local project sponsors? Shiphandling Simulation addresses how computer-based simulation can be used to improve the ...
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As a result of major shipping disasters on all coasts, the safety of vessel operations in U.S. ports and waterways and the effectiveness of waterway designs are under increased scrutiny. But are traditional waterway design practices that rely heavily on rules of thumb and conservatism providing adequate margins of safety while keeping the overall costs of waterway projects within the funding capabilities of local project sponsors? Shiphandling Simulation addresses how computer-based simulation can be used to improve the cost- effectiveness of waterway design while satisfying safety objectives. The book examines the role of computer simulation in improving waterway design, evaluates the adequacy of data input, explores the validity of hydrodynamic and mathematical models, assesses required and achievable accuracy of simulation results, and identifies research needed to establish shiphandling simulation as a standard design aid. Case studies of waterway design efforts employing shiphandling simulation are analyzed and lessons learned are identified. Table of Contents Front Matter 1. Introduction 2. Waterway Design Process 3. Use of Simulation in Waterway Design 4. Shiphandling Simulators 5. Mathematical Models 6. Assessment of Simulator Technology and Results 7. Simulator Application in Harbor and Waterway Design 8. Research Needs 9. Conclusions and Recommendations Appendix A: Committee Member Biographies Appendix B: Design Elements of Waterway Development Appendix C: Practical Application of Shiphandling Simulators to Waterway Design Appendix D: Source Reference List for Mathematical Models Appendix E: Papers Prepared for This Study Appendix F: Validation of Aircraft Flight Simulators Bibliography
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