In the late 1860s in the fictional town of Salt Licks, Texas, young Travis Coates has been working to take care of his family ranch with his mother and younger brother. When a "dingy yellow" dog comes for an unasked stay with the family, Travis reluctantly takes in the dog, which they name Old Yeller.
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In the late 1860s in the fictional town of Salt Licks, Texas, young Travis Coates has been working to take care of his family ranch with his mother and younger brother. When a "dingy yellow" dog comes for an unasked stay with the family, Travis reluctantly takes in the dog, which they name Old Yeller.
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"Old Yeller" is a classic tale about a country boy and his dog. The story is set in Texas, during the 1860's to 1870's. It begins with Travis's Papa leaving town with a bunch of other settlers. They were all heading to Kansas to get a job and earn some cash. Papa left the entire family farm in Travis's hands.
Travis didn't think he wanted a dog - not after what happened with his dog named Bell. Even after Old Yeller arrives on the farm and Travis's little brother is quite taken with the dog, Travis still rejects the idea. Somehow, very slowly, the light flashes on in Travis's brain and he sees what a help that a dog could be, especially on a farm that is currently missing the father. Out of this predicament, a unique story emerges.
My personal opinion: This is a great example of showing what good things in life might come your way, if you let them. The only thing I didn't like about "Old Yeller" is the occasional bad word that is slipped in here or there. Other than that, it's a nice enough story that displays true friendship.
Jun 20, 2010
great classic
Book was in good condition and is a fabulous read for all ages.
Apr 3, 2007
Definitely a tear-jerker!! Takes you back to your own childhood days and that special pet you once had. Everone should read this book!!!