The original animation series, upon which this book is based, has proved immensely popular with young viewers, at times meeting a target audience share of over 65%! There are 52 5-minute episodes in all, with the last series of 13 episodes due to run on CITV in Spring 2001. HarperCollins is also publishing a further eight titles in their successful series of books, bringing it to a total of 16 titles.
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The original animation series, upon which this book is based, has proved immensely popular with young viewers, at times meeting a target audience share of over 65%! There are 52 5-minute episodes in all, with the last series of 13 episodes due to run on CITV in Spring 2001. HarperCollins is also publishing a further eight titles in their successful series of books, bringing it to a total of 16 titles.
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