Vicky Fleming
Vicky Fleming's orientation to the tropics began at an early age. When she was in third or fourth grade in Michigan, her teacher asked if east was to the left or right. Vicky answered, "Left." The teacher wouldn't budge on insisting that Vicky had given the wrong answer. The teacher hadn't specified "on the map," however, and in Vicky's mind, she was standing in Michigan looking toward Florida, so east was indeed on the left.
Vicky Fleming's orientation to the tropics began at an early age. When she was in third or fourth grade in Michigan, her teacher asked if east was to the left or right. Vicky answered, "Left." The teacher wouldn't budge on insisting that Vicky had given the wrong answer. The teacher hadn't specified "on the map," however, and in Vicky's mind, she was standing in Michigan looking toward Florida, so east was indeed on the left. See less
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