King Edward the Fourth: the First and Second Part: Containing, His Merrie Pastime With the Tanner of Tamworth, as Also His Loue to Faire Mistris Shore, Her Great Promotion, Fall and Misery, and Lastly the Lamentable Death of Both Her and Her Husband...
by Thomas Approximately 1574-1 Heywood (Creator), Humphrey -1629 Lownes (Creator), Renold Active 1590-1630 Elstracke (Creator)
Pleasant Dialogues and Dramma's: Selected out of Lucian, Erasmus, Textor, Ovid, &c. With Sundry Emblems Extracted From the Most Elegant Iacobus Catsius, as Also Certaine Elegies, Epitaphs, and Epithalamions or Nuptiall Songs, Anagrams and Acrosticks, ...
by Thomas Approximately 1574-1 Heywood (Creator), Of Samosata Lucian, Desiderius D 1536 Erasmus (Creator)