Papers Relative to the Affairs of British Columbia [microform]: Part I.: Copies of Despatches From the Secretary of State for the Colonies to the Governor of British Columbia, and From the Governor to the Secretary of State Relative to the Government...
by Sir James Douglas (Creator), Edward George Earle Lytton-Bu Lytton (Creator), British Columbia Governor (1858-1864 (Creator)
Further Papers Relative to the Affairs of British Columbia [microform]: Part III.: Copies of Despatches From the Governor of British Columbia to the Secretary of State for the Colonies and From the Secretary of State to the Governor, Relative to The...
by Sir James Douglas (Creator), Edward George Earle Lytton-Bu Lytton (Creator), Henry Pelham Fiennes Pelha Newcastle (Creator)
Further papers relative to the affairs of British Columbia : Part IV : copies of despatches from the governor of British Columbia to the secretary of state for the colonies and from the secretary of state to the governor : presented to both Houses of...
by Sir James Douglas, British Columbia. Governor (1858-1864 : Douglas), Great Britain. Colonial Office