Sir Arthur Wing Pinero
Arthur Wing Pinero (1855-1934) was the leading playwrightof the Victorian theatre. His plays include The Schoolmistress(1886), Dandy Dick (1887), Sweet Lavender (1888), TheNotorious Mrs. Ebbsmith (1895), Trelawny of the 'Wells' (1898),The Gay Lord Quex (1899), Iris (1901), and Mid-Channel (1909).
Arthur Wing Pinero (1855-1934) was the leading playwrightof the Victorian theatre. His plays include The Schoolmistress(1886), Dandy Dick (1887), Sweet Lavender (1888), TheNotorious Mrs. Ebbsmith (1895), Trelawny of the 'Wells' (1898),The Gay Lord Quex (1899), Iris (1901), and Mid-Channel (1909). See less