S. Irudaya Rajan
S Irudaya Rajan is Chair of the International Institute of Migration and Development, India and also chair of the World Bank KNOMAD working group on internal migration and urbanization. He is the editor of two Rouledge Series - India Migration Report (since 2010) and South Asia Migration Report (since 2017) and Founding Editor in Chief, Migration and Development (Sage). Rajan has published extensively in national and international journals on demographic, social, economic, political and...See more
S Irudaya Rajan is Chair of the International Institute of Migration and Development, India and also chair of the World Bank KNOMAD working group on internal migration and urbanization. He is the editor of two Rouledge Series - India Migration Report (since 2010) and South Asia Migration Report (since 2017) and Founding Editor in Chief, Migration and Development (Sage). Rajan has published extensively in national and international journals on demographic, social, economic, political and psychological implications of international migration and coordinated nine large-scale migration surveys in Kerala since 1998 (with K C Zachariah), Goa (2008), Punjab (2009), Tamil Nadu (2015) and instrumental for Gujarat (2011), Jharkhand (2023) and Odisha (2023). As a princiapl investigator, Rajan is currently coorindinaing the Kerala Migration Survey 2023 with the financial support of the Department of Non-Resident Keralite Affairs, Government of Kerala throuhg Gulati Institute of Finance and Taxation, Kerala. See less