Roger D. Blackwell
Roger D. Blackwell is a recently retired Professor of MarketRoger D. Blackwell is a recently retired Professor of Marketing and Logistics from the Fisher College of Business at theing and Logistics from the Fisher College of Business at the Ohio State University. He is also President of Roger Blackw Ohio State University. He is also President of Roger Blackwell Associates, Inc., a consulting firm in Columbus, Ohio, tell Associates, Inc., a consulting firm in Columbus, Ohio, through which he has...See more
Roger D. Blackwell is a recently retired Professor of MarketRoger D. Blackwell is a recently retired Professor of Marketing and Logistics from the Fisher College of Business at theing and Logistics from the Fisher College of Business at the Ohio State University. He is also President of Roger Blackw Ohio State University. He is also President of Roger Blackwell Associates, Inc., a consulting firm in Columbus, Ohio, tell Associates, Inc., a consulting firm in Columbus, Ohio, through which he has worked with many of America's most succehrough which he has worked with many of America's most successful companies Dr. Blackwell was named Outstanding Marssful companies Dr. Blackwell was named Outstanding Marketing Educator in America by Sales and Marketing Executivesketing Educator in America by Sales and Marketing Executives International and received the Alumni Distinguished Teachin International and received the Alumni Distinguished Teaching Award, the highest award given by the Ohio State Universitg Award, the highest award given by the Ohio State University, and in 2004 he was the first inductee to the Central Ohioy, and in 2004 he was the first inductee to the Central Ohio Marketing Hall of Fame. In 2005, he received three addition Marketing Hall of Fame. In 2005, he received three additional teaching awards, reflecting the depth of knowledge and enal teaching awards, reflecting the depth of knowledge and enthusiasm for teaching that make him a favorite among studentthusiasm for teaching that make him a favorite among students. s. See less