Michael A Susko
Michael Susko, with an M.S. in Counseling Psychology, taught in a progressive elementary school, which featured arts integration. He has designed and taught college classes on "Personal Archetypes" and "The Sacred Art of Indigenous Cultures." He has also led groups on dream interpretation, which explore how dreams can relate to everyday life. His familiarity with symbolism has helped him to write Down Below , which presents a fantasy realm which contains deep archetypal truths.
Michael Susko, with an M.S. in Counseling Psychology, taught in a progressive elementary school, which featured arts integration. He has designed and taught college classes on "Personal Archetypes" and "The Sacred Art of Indigenous Cultures." He has also led groups on dream interpretation, which explore how dreams can relate to everyday life. His familiarity with symbolism has helped him to write Down Below , which presents a fantasy realm which contains deep archetypal truths. See less