Ken Williams
Dr. Ken Williams studied Physics in Birmingham, Alabama, of the 1980ies . Since 2018 he is an Instructor of Physics, Math & Statistics with CLAS of The University of California, Santa Barbara. Previously, Williams held a postdoctoral fellowship at CEBAF (now Jefferson Lab) and teaching posts at a number of Institutions. His research papers have been published by, among other outlets, Physical Review D and the Journal of Physics
Dr. Ken Williams studied Physics in Birmingham, Alabama, of the 1980ies . Since 2018 he is an Instructor of Physics, Math & Statistics with CLAS of The University of California, Santa Barbara. Previously, Williams held a postdoctoral fellowship at CEBAF (now Jefferson Lab) and teaching posts at a number of Institutions. His research papers have been published by, among other outlets, Physical Review D and the Journal of Physics See less