Jim Watson
Jim Watson was always interested in art. As a young man, he was also drawn to machines and electronics. The combination of the mixed interests and abilities made it easy for Jim to build his own machine and power supply - which made it logical that Jim started doing art on someone's arm or back.Along the way Jim worked with talented artists like Cliff Raven from Chicago. Next, he wandered to Denver where he worked with Peter Poulos of Peter Tat2. Tat2 became a syndicate, and Jim was chosen to...See more
Jim Watson was always interested in art. As a young man, he was also drawn to machines and electronics. The combination of the mixed interests and abilities made it easy for Jim to build his own machine and power supply - which made it logical that Jim started doing art on someone's arm or back.Along the way Jim worked with talented artists like Cliff Raven from Chicago. Next, he wandered to Denver where he worked with Peter Poulos of Peter Tat2. Tat2 became a syndicate, and Jim was chosen to open a new shop in Phoenix. After Peter's passing, Jim opened his own shop in Phoenix - Artistic Skin Design and eventually there were five Artistic Skin Design Shops. Never a man to just sit on his successes, in the mid-1970s Jim opened Phoenix Tattoo Supply with a partner.Eventually the partners did go went separate ways, and Jim opened Superior Tattoo Supply. Superior had everything Tattoo - from machines and needles, to ink, flash art and tattoo after-art healing products. For a long time, Superior sold more tools of the trade than any company in the US. Somehow, Jim found time to run tattoo shops, make tattoos and work with new artists. Some of those new artists went on to become well respect in the trade. A few of those individuals include Magic Marge, Paul Stottler, Aaron Coleman, Tim Lehi, Heather Alvin, and Tony Carey. His two sons, sons, James and Joseph, are both tattoo artists. Before thinking he was just a businessman with a tattoo shop, remember Jim was a dedicated tattoo art of high quality. The last few tattoos he did were on his grand-children - while he was in hospice at his house. See less