Howard Colyer
Howard Colyer was born near Brixton Hill in London in 1961, he lived in Greenwich for many years and moved to Hastings in 2017. He has translated Kafka's, Letter to my Father, Zürau Aphorisms and Contemplation, his plays include Homework, Conference Call and Kafka v Kafka, and while he lived in London he was the resident playwright at the Jack Studio Theatre. He contributes to several haiku magazines and self-published Millwall Haiku as well as a number of haiku diaries. He has an MA in...See more
Howard Colyer was born near Brixton Hill in London in 1961, he lived in Greenwich for many years and moved to Hastings in 2017. He has translated Kafka's, Letter to my Father, Zürau Aphorisms and Contemplation, his plays include Homework, Conference Call and Kafka v Kafka, and while he lived in London he was the resident playwright at the Jack Studio Theatre. He contributes to several haiku magazines and self-published Millwall Haiku as well as a number of haiku diaries. He has an MA in creative writing from Goldsmiths, and he earned a creative writing PhD from Stirling for his novel on Franz Kafka in the First World War. See less