Complete puppet how-to
This book tells you everything you need to know about making puppets -- and low-tech puppets, too, since it was published in the 1920s when people had to make all their own entertainment with the materials at hand. The instructions and drawings are very clear; she sometimes assumes that her readers know how to do things that modern children (and even adults) may no longer know about, like mixing plaster of Paris. Most modern crafters will be able to figure out what new substances to substitute for the old ones, if they want to go beyond authenticity.
To prove its lasting value, this book was bought new by a troupe of teenagers in our community. They used it to make puppets and put on elaborate plays; some of those puppets still exist and are on display in our museum. They would still work if their cords were restored. Ackley's beguiling manual could still inspire such behavior, and get kids away from their MP3 players for a while. I recommend it.