English summary: Glaubenskultur und Lebenskunst" (culture of faith and the art of living) and addresses many issues crucial to contemporary theology. Focusing on the life-promoting aspects of traditions, contents and forms of religious practice of Christianity, it highlights anthropological premises and perspectives, which also affect the conception of religious services, the interpretation of biblical scriptures or the understanding of human freedom. Christian Theology should make the category of "a life of faith" ...
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English summary: Glaubenskultur und Lebenskunst" (culture of faith and the art of living) and addresses many issues crucial to contemporary theology. Focusing on the life-promoting aspects of traditions, contents and forms of religious practice of Christianity, it highlights anthropological premises and perspectives, which also affect the conception of religious services, the interpretation of biblical scriptures or the understanding of human freedom. Christian Theology should make the category of "a life of faith" plausible in such a way that people are not forced to choose between enjoying being human or being religious, but experience to appear as human beings through faith. Given the many burdens that Christian culture of faith is charged with - ranging from naive fundamentalism to a self-destructive religious practice - it is the task of theology - in dialogue with other humanities and life sciences - to make a "life of faith" credible as an ethically reasonable category of human existence that corresponds to human dignity and strengthens human freedom. German description: Dieser Band behandelt Fragen, die fur eine zeitgenossische Theologie von grossem Gewicht sind. Die Beitrage stellen die Lebensdienlichkeit der Traditionen, Inhalte und Formen der religiosen Praxis des Christentums in den Mittelpunkt der Betrachtung. Damit kommen anthropologische Pramissen und Perspektiven in den Blick, die auch die Konzeption von Gottesdiensten, die Auslegung biblischer Texte oder das Verstandnis menschlicher Freiheit betreffen. Christliche Theologie muss die Kategorie eines Lebens aus Glauben so plausibilisieren, dass sich Menschen nicht vor der Alternative sehen, entweder gerne Mensch oder religios zu sein, sondern die Erfahrung machen, im Glauben als Mensch zum Vorschein zu kommen.
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