The tallest, the wisest, the bravest (and when necessary the rudest), man in all Ireland is Finn MacCool. One day a giant comes to visit Finn with a terrible problem - somebody or something is stealing the giant king's children. Nobody knows who is doing the terrible deed, or how it is being done. Naturally, Fearless Finn cannot turn down a challenge like that and so he sets out to solve the mystery - even though he has a headache at the time. Luckily for him, Finn meets the seven small Men of Deeds who agree to help. This ...
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The tallest, the wisest, the bravest (and when necessary the rudest), man in all Ireland is Finn MacCool. One day a giant comes to visit Finn with a terrible problem - somebody or something is stealing the giant king's children. Nobody knows who is doing the terrible deed, or how it is being done. Naturally, Fearless Finn cannot turn down a challenge like that and so he sets out to solve the mystery - even though he has a headache at the time. Luckily for him, Finn meets the seven small Men of Deeds who agree to help. This is a lovely, funny, flowing telling of a traditional Irish story by Pat O'Shea whose first novel The Hounds of the Morrigan was greeted with critical success.
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