I have not read the entire book. However, I have read certain passages of it; and for one of the few times in 36 years, I find them to be accurate. The principle difficulty is the continued use of "Chronic Fatigue Syndrome", a surreal name that was invented by the CDC//AMA to obscure the true history and nature of ME. With proper training and technique, ME is NOT difficult to diagnose. Also, the disabling episodes of pain that hallmark it can be ameliorated with medication (although it's twin symptom of prostrating exhaustion can not, to my knowledge, except by absolute rest). Again, in it's place was substituted the deadly and criminal one of hypochondria; ignoring the hard science of every modern country of the world (excepting the UK, where psychiatrists first introduced the inane diagnosis of "mass hysteria"). So, read it, if you can, but beware of the lies that cling within its pages.