This historic book may have numerous typos and missing text. Purchasers can usually download a free scanned copy of the original book (without typos) from the publisher. Not indexed. Not illustrated. 1727 edition. Excerpt: ... be so? com t tgc fourtD so? W Icpse (ley ground) t&e fifth so? big common pasture, anb the art so? W hap; anb in Writer tpme t&ere is but one occupteb imth co?ne, anb then hath the hugibanbe other fine to occupp ten lent come, ano then he hath W falotoe fieib, big lep fieib, anb hi pasiute fieib all ...
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This historic book may have numerous typos and missing text. Purchasers can usually download a free scanned copy of the original book (without typos) from the publisher. Not indexed. Not illustrated. 1727 edition. Excerpt: ... be so? com t tgc fourtD so? W Icpse (ley ground) t&e fifth so? big common pasture, anb the art so? W hap; anb in Writer tpme t&ere is but one occupteb imth co?ne, anb then hath the hugibanbe other fine to occupp ten lent come, ano then he hath W falotoe fieib, big lep fieib, anb hi pasiute fieib all tomer; anb forjeu ije hath-motnen big me= oofn, then he hatb hie tneoofo gtounb also j so that if he habe anp foapke (weak) cattel, he map put them in anp close he foils, the fohfctj ttt a great aboantage; but pf (if) all stjooib be common, then foouib the ebpihe of tlje cojne fieibeg (fields) anb tie after mot& of all the meOofog be eaten in ten o? ttoelbe Oaps: the rpche (rich) man then that hath mochecatell toouib habethe aboantage, anb the poojmancanhauenohelpenomieife m fopnter fohen 6e hath most neeb j so if an acte of ianb be fooith ffcpence, fohen it i$ not encloseb, it uiili be foo?tfi eight pence fohen it is encloseb, ty reason of the conv poaing anb Oonging of the catel, thatujaH go anb lie upon it oottj bap anb mgljt. f Here the old custom appears of granting leases on condition, that but one crop of corn shall be raised in three years upon the fame piece of ground: and it is now continued as a practise in some parts of Essex to divide their arable lands in these parts, and take their round in sowing of corn, one in 1716, and another 177, and the other in 2/18, and then begin again, aim if anp of ljfe tljrce closes? tljat be &at& so? fits co?n, be U)o?n o? toar (grow) bate, then Ije map break ano plotoup Ijt0 close tljat be &ao so? bt'S lepse (ley) o? the close that be IjaD so? fjis common pasture, o? hoth, ana solo them toith co?n, and let tlje othet lie so? a time, ano so ujall ftc anoapa babe rest gtOUnb, tlje tO&l'Cb (when it...
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