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(3 available copies)
A Song of the English
Kipling, Rudyard. W. Heath Robinson (Illustrator)
Edition: First trade edition
Binding: Hardcover
Publisher: Hodder & Stoughton, London
Date published: 1909
Description: Original blue cloth with front cover pictorially stamped in gilt on front cover and spine. Top edge gilt, others uncut. Large quarto (10 15/16 x 8 5/8 inches; 278 x 219 mm.). [64] leaves. Thirty color plates (including frontispiece), mounted on leaves with color border decorations. Descriptive tissue guards, each with a miniature line illustration. Pictorial title and fifty-nine black and white line illustrations in the text (half-page or smaller). Title printed in red and black. An excellent ... Read More
The Complete Works (in 26 Vols)
Irving, Washington
Binding: Hardcover
Publisher: G.P. Putnam, New York
Date published: 1864
Description: Near Fine. Twenty-six small octavo volumes (6 5/16 x 4 inches; 160 x 102 mm). Bound ca. 1880 in three-quarter plum calf over marbled boards ruled in blind. Smooth spines with two slightly raised bands, elaborately lettered and decorated in gilt. Marbled edges and endpapers. Spines uniformly sunned. Previous owner's name written on several of the title pages. Engraved frontispieces, head-and-tailpieces. A Near Fine set overall. Washington Irving (1783-1859), American author, wit, and man of ... Read More
The Life of Samuel Johnson, Ll.D. (in 2 Vols. )
Boswell, James
Edition: First edition
Binding: Hardcover
Publisher: Henry Baldwin for Charles Dilly, London
Date published: 1791
Description: 2 volumes, quarto (293 x 229 mm) untrimmed, in the original boards. Rebacked with white parchment to style (likely mid 20th century). Protected by a deluxe pull-off case by Sangorski and Sutcliffe in full brown morocco. Small morocco bookplates (Herschel V. Jones) to front paste-down of each volume with corresponding offsetting to adjacent leaves. Bookplates of Claud Russell. First state with Vol 1 page 135 in uncorrected state. Canceled leaves Mm4 and Nn1 in Vol 1 and E3, Oo4, Qq3, Zz1 and ... Read More