Dunaway Books
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St Louis,
MO 63118 USA
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Browse an extensive collection of major subjects such as Americana, Foreign History, Military History, Literary Criticism, Fiction, Poetry, Philosophy, Religion, Humanities, Natural History, Science and Art. We have many specialty areas also; subjects like Books About Books, Local History, Modern Firsts, Numismatics, Metaphysics, Espionage, and Mycology, For a little leavening and escapism, there are Humor, SF/Fantasy, Mysteries
Dunaway Books is a necessary stop for the bibliophile on the Grand South Grand strip. Housed within an airy, spacious former gallery, we carry an unparalleled selection of fine used, out of print and rare volumes. With over 150,000 titles you'll find aisle after aisle of scrupulously collected books treating a broad variety of subjects in depth. We keep new small-press titles by local authors or about local subjects up at the front, childrens books beneath the mezzanine and and shelves of CDs for music lovers. There is something here for everyone. Whether you have a few hours or just a few minutes to while away, Dunaway Books is designed to be an intellectually and creatively stimulating place for the scholar, the collector
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Alibris UK seller since July 2010