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by Oliver Nelson
by Oliver Tree
by Alinka Rowe (viola), City of Birmingham Symphony Orchestra Cellos, Didier Osindero (violin), Elspeth Dutch (horn), Guy Johnston (cello), Katherine Thomas (harp), Oliver Janes (clarinet), Sheku Kanneh-Mason (cello), Yong Jun Lee (cello)
by Alexander Oliver (vocals), David Wilson-Johnson (vocals), Della Jones (vocals), Giorgio Tadeo (vocals), Joan Sutherland (soprano), John Tomlinson (vocals), Jonathan Summers (vocals), Luciano Pavarotti (tenor), Marjon Lambriks (vocals)
by Brian Simpson/Steve Oliver
by Alastair Mackie (trumpet), Andrew Lucas (organ), Charles Gibbs (baritone), Christopher Royall (alto), Connor Burrowes (treble), Jason Matharu (treble), Oliver Winstone (treble), Reece Proudfoot (treble), Timothy Jones (baritone)
by Oliver Schroer
by Joseph Banowetz (piano), Czecho-Slovak Radio Symphony Orchestra, Oliver von Dohnanyi (conductor)
by Oliver 'Tuku' Mtukudzi
by Oliver Sim
by Adrian Peacock (bass), Iain Simcock (piano), Iain Simcock (organ), John Mark Ainsley (tenor), Nicholas Keay (tenor), Oliver Harding (treble viol), Robert Lewis (alto), Robin Schmidt (treble), Simon Davies (tenor), Stephen Jeffs (alto)
by Achim Schulz (tenor), Bernd Oliver Fröhlich (tenor), Cinquecento, Jan Petryka (tenor), Terry Wey (counter tenor), Timothy Scott Whiteley (baritone), Tore Tom Denys (tenor), Ulfried Staber (bass), Vojtech Semerád (tenor)
by Cheyne Davidson (vocals), Elizabeth Magnuson (vocals), Liliana Nikiteanu (vocals), Louis Martini (vocals), Martin Zysset (vocals), Martina Janková (vocals), Michael Volle (vocals), Oliver Widmer (vocals), Piotr Beczala (vocals), Rolf Haunstein (vocals)
by Alexander Tomkinson (treble), Alfred Harrison (treble), Benedict Flinn (tenor), Blake Chen (treble), George Balfour (treble), Hamish McLaren (counter tenor), Joel Branston (treble), Joseph Wicks (organ), Michael Bell (tenor), Oliver Brown (treble)
by Oliver Wood
by Steve Oliver
by Alexander Oliver (vocals), David Wilson-Johnson (bass), Della Jones (vocals), Giorgio Tadeo (vocals), Joan Sutherland (soprano), John Tomlinson (vocals), Jonathan Summers (baritone), Luciano Pavarotti (tenor), Marjon Lambriks (vocals)
by Dmitri Ensemble, Jamie Campbell (violin), Oliver Coates (cello), Clare College Choir, Cambridge (choir, chorus), Dmitri Ensemble, Graham Ross (conductor)