Ned Rorem: Piano Concerto for the Left Hand; Eleven Studies for Eleven Players (1994)
by Anthony Lafargue (percussion), Choong-Jin Chang (viola), Elizabeth Ostling (flute), Gary Graffman (piano), Gregory Raden (clarinet), Jack Sutte (trumpet), Jeffrey Lastrapes (cello), Katerina Englichova (harp), Kathy Lord (oboe), Reiko Uchida (piano)
Charles Wuorinen: Piano Quintet; The Mission of Virgil; Lightenings VIII; Percussion Quartet (1998)
by Alex Bocchino (percussion), Cameron Grant (piano), Carmit Zori (violin), Curtis Macomber (violin), Elizabeth Henreckson-Farum (soprano), Fred Sherry (cello), James Winn (piano), John Ferrari (percussion), Paul Carroll (percussion)
When You are Reminded by the Instruments: The Music of Hayes Biggs (2018)
by Andrew Steinberg (sax), Christopher Oldfather (piano), Curtis Macomber (violin), Daniel Grabois (horn), Desiree Glazier-Nazro (drums), Desiree Glazier-Nazro (tambourine), Desiree Glazier-Nazro (steel pan), Elizabeth England (horn)