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Used VHS Drama Movies


The drama genre is often defined by characters who are caught up in a series of events or a conflict at a crucial moment in the storyline. The characters and situations portray human experiences and engage the reader's emotions throughout the plot.

Dramas develop popular tropes like betrayal, unrequited love, reluctant hero and many more, creating devoted fans to the genre or series.

Drama novels can range from tragedies to comedies; they're all about hooking the reader. You might think of historical dramas in English literature that focus on romance, but the subgenres of drama are vast, including horror, dramatic Theater, Medieval dramas and Anthologies. And they can be inclusive, too. There are plenty of LGBTQ+ books and racially diverse dramas.

With so many drama stories out there, it's easy to feel overwhelmed by the options. Let's focus on some classic drama books that are a must-read.

  • The Great Gatsby is a dramatic story that focuses on Nick Carraway as he interacts with mysterious millionaire Jay Gatsby and Gatsby's pursuit of his former lover, Daisy Buchanan.
  • To Kill A Mockingbird features the coming-of-age story of Scout and Jem Finch growing up after their father defends a Black man falsely accused of sexual assault.
  • Frankenstein is a horror drama about a young scientist who creates a monster through unorthodox scientific experiments.

William Shakespeare is regarded as the greatest writer of the English language due to his use of drama in his poems and plays such as Romeo and Juliet, Macbeth, Hamlet, and many of his other classic works.

There are plenty of drama fiction books written by women as well. Jane Austen wrote some of the best dramas that have been beloved throughout the centuries. Pride and Prejudice has been the inspiration for countless series, movies, spinoffs, and remakes, both in historical and modern time periods.

Of course, there are notable drama authors of recent years as well, such as:

History is filled with dramatic, life-changing events. Plenty of authors have based their writings on true, dramatic stories that happened to them or a loved one.

  • The Christie Affair by Nina de Gramont is about the brief disappearance of Dame Agatha Christie, with the fictional twist of what the author imagines could have happened during that time.
  • Room by Emma Donoghue is about a woman who is kept in captivity inspired by a woman who was imprisoned for 24 hours.
  • The Glass Castle by Jeannette Walls is an extraordinary memoir of resilience and redemption that offers a peek into the personal life of a deeply dysfunctional but uniquely loving family.